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“Sabr – Shukr” Patience & Gratitude Cuff Bangle

Original price was: R470.00.Current price is: R150.00.

Currently on SALE for only R150.00 & will revert back to R470.00 soon. 

  • Sabr ‎‎صَبْرٌ & Shukr شكر are Arabic words that mean patience & gratitude, two halves of faith, and the perfect philosophy for life, irrespective of our faith.
  • Manufactured from Premium stainless steel.
  • Adjustable size – 6mm Width.
  • Hypoallergenic, so it’s great even for the most irritable skin.

All orders are shipped within 24 hours. (Monday – Friday)

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"Sabr - Shukr" Patience & Gratitude Cuff Bangle

Wearing a Sabr, Shukr bangle means that the person wearing it is making a conscious effort to practice the virtues of patience and gratitude in their daily life. “Sabr” refers to the Islamic concept of patience and perseverance in the face of difficulties, while “Shukr” refers to gratitude and thankfulness towards Allah for all the blessings in one’s life. By wearing this bangle, the person is reminding themselves to have patience during challenging times and to be grateful for the blessings they have been given. It is a physical reminder to strive for these virtues and to keep them at the forefront of their thoughts and actions.

Sabr and shukr are two important concepts in Islam that have numerous benefits for individuals who practice them. Here are some of the benefits of sabr and shukr:

Benefits of Sabr:

  1. Increases in faith: Sabr helps to increase a person’s faith in Allah (SWT) by allowing them to recognize that everything is in Allah’s control and that they should trust His plan.
  2. Builds character: Sabr helps to develop a person’s character by instilling in them qualities such as patience, perseverance, and resilience.
  3. Promotes self-control: Sabr helps to promote self-control by teaching individuals to control their impulses and to delay gratification.
  4. Reduces stress: Sabr can reduce stress and anxiety by helping individuals to stay calm in difficult situations and by teaching them to have a positive outlook.
  5. Brings reward: By practicing sabr, individuals can earn rewards both in this life and in the Hereafter.

Benefits of Shukr:

  • Firstly, Increases in blessings: Shukr helps to increase the blessings that a person receives from Allah (SWT) by teaching them to appreciate what they have and to be grateful for it.
  • Secondly, Builds character: Shukr helps to build a person’s character by instilling in them qualities such as gratitude, contentment, and humility.
  • Thirdly, Promotes positive thinking: Shukr promotes positive thinking by helping individuals to focus on the good things.

Bo-Kaap is a historic neighborhood in Cape Town, South Africa, known for its brightly painted houses and significant Muslim community. The majority of the people living in Bo-Kaap are of Malay descent and are followers of the Islamic faith.

The Muslim community in Bo-Kaap is known for their traditional Cape Malay cuisine, which is a fusion of Malay, Indonesian, and African flavors. They also have a unique style of music and dance called “Ghoema,” which is a blend of African, European, and Malay rhythms.

Bo-Kaap is also home to several mosques, including the Auwal Mosque, which is the oldest mosque in South Africa, and the Nurul Islam Mosque, which is one of the largest mosques in the city.

Overall, the Muslim community in Bo-Kaap is an important part of the cultural heritage of Cape Town and continues to contribute to the diversity and vibrancy of the city.

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